"...for faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." - Romans 10:17

We're glad you've stopped by to listen and watch some of the music and messages from our church family in the Church of God of the Abrahamic Faith. We hope the unique focus of the broadcasts will be a blessing and encouragement in your daily walk. To begin listening or watching on your computer's media player at anytime, simply click the " PLAY CURRENT BROADCAST " link you see on any page of the website. We know you will be blessed by the Word of God during your visit, and we hope you will be a part of sharing the Gospel message by keeping us in your prayers, sending us your recordings, or by telling a friend. You're always welcome to link to any part of our site, and all of the messages you hear are completely free to download and share. Thank you again for being a part of this ministry as we strive to spread and grow the message and the membership of the coming Kingdom of God!
CoGcast is currently undergoing an updated website renovation as we continue to work to transfer much of the information from the original site to the new site. To return to the pages/menus of the classic site, CLICK HERE.
![]() Saturdays - 5 pm EDT
Joy Fellowship worship service Sundays - 11 am EDT Blanchard Church of God service Sundays - 12:30/1:30 (10:30 Arizona) Lakeshore Bible Church service Wednesdays - 7 pm EDT Blanchard Church of God Bible study |
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Extreme Wisdom: Sense about Dollars and Cents
Pastor Steve Taylor E-mail Steve Lakeshore Bible Church Tempe, Arizona We all probably have some kind of 'self-help' book on our shelves, but the best 'self-help' book of all time is the book of Proverbs. It's filled with practical wisdom from the world's wisest man as it was revealed to him directly from God. In today's message, we take a look at the link between our money and our spirituality. Honoring God with our wealth is one of the Bible's most talked about subjects. And in an era of fiscal irresponsibility, we have to make righteousness, not riches, our priority. Proverbs 22:7; 11:15,4; 17:18; 28:6; 10:4; 14:23,31,20; 20:13; 13:11,22; 19:17,4; 21:5; 23:4,5; 3:9,10 ![]()
Foundations: The Parable of the Two Houses
Pastor Wally Winner E-mail Wally Joy Fellowship Church of God of the Abrahamic Faith Every day, there are many decisions to be made, but there really are only two choices: we can please God, or we can please ourselves. It's up to us. We can have all the right building skills and materials, but if we're not built on the right foundation, it won't matter. What counts is what's underneath. That's what will make the difference when the storms of life come our way. You must choose. It's time to make a decision - before it's too late. Matt. 7:24-29; John 3:18; 1 Cor. 3:11; Rev. 20:1,12-15 ![]()
Check out the August edition of the E-Herald HERE or below:
Church of God General Conference Atlanta Bible College Atlanta Bible College - Korean Extension Turning Point Youth Ministries Lord's Harvest International - Worldwide Missions GROUPS Church of God Around the World CoGmail Discussion Forum PUBLICATIONS The E-Herald of the Coming Kingdom The Restitution Herald and Progress Journal Focus on the Kingdom Wisdom and Power Magazine Prophecy Dot-to-Dot The Babylon Connection DEVOTIONALS AND BLOGS Kingdom Dreamer Faith of Jesus Jesus the Messiah Jesus the Messiah (in Spanish) Testimonial Devotions Devotional Shorts VIDEO LINKS Abrahamic Movement videos by Restoration Fellowship Glad Tidings Bible Teaching Videos RELATED SITES Focus on the Kingdom God's Kingdom First Kingdom Heart 21st Century Reformation Covenant House One N. California Restoration Fellowship Christian Monotheism Death is Sleep |
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Tabernacle Types Pastor Terry Ferrell E-mail Terry Greenville Church of God, Greenville SC
The pattern of the tabernacle was given to Moses directly from God, and a large part of the book of Exodus is devoted to the instructions on its construction. In today's study, we also find how the types of the tabernacle used in the New Testament serve as a pattern and lesson for our Christian service.
Heb. 9:1-12,51; 10:22; Lev. 1:1; Rom. 12:1; Psa. 51; 141:2; Exodus 25; Titus 3:5; Eph. 5; 2:15; Rev. 1:5,12,13,20; 5:8; 8:3,4; Jer. 3:16-18; Matt. 5; John 8:12; Deut. 8:3
The pattern of the tabernacle was given to Moses directly from God, and a large part of the book of Exodus is devoted to the instructions on its construction. In today's study, we also find how the types of the tabernacle used in the New Testament serve as a pattern and lesson for our Christian service.
Heb. 9:1-12,51; 10:22; Lev. 1:1; Rom. 12:1; Psa. 51; 141:2; Exodus 25; Titus 3:5; Eph. 5; 2:15; Rev. 1:5,12,13,20; 5:8; 8:3,4; Jer. 3:16-18; Matt. 5; John 8:12; Deut. 8:3

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Jerusalem in Prophecy Pastor Hollis Partlowe
Jerusalem is a city filled with a rich history. It has been attacked more than 20 times and completely destroyed twice. And yet God still has big prophetic plans for this city built on the hills. In today's message, we take a look at the past history, the present conflict, and the future habitation in the city of Zion in our study. Are you ready to enter that great city?
Jerusalem is a city filled with a rich history. It has been attacked more than 20 times and completely destroyed twice. And yet God still has big prophetic plans for this city built on the hills. In today's message, we take a look at the past history, the present conflict, and the future habitation in the city of Zion in our study. Are you ready to enter that great city?

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Monday, August 29, 2011
The Voice of Tomorrow: The Trumpet Will Sound Pastor Dale Swartz E-mail Dale Litchfield Church of God Litchfield, MN
Kingdom Ministries, Inc. is a completely faith-based ministry created to simply and clearly proclaim the message of the Kingdom of God and to share God's love in a practical way. In today's message, we examine Paul's words to the church at Corinth about the truth of the future resurrection. He made it very clear how the second coming of Christ will happen. Are you ready to hear that trumpet sound?
1 Cor. 15:51-58; 1 Thess. 4:16,17; Acts 1:10,11; Matt. 24:30,31; Rev. 11:15; 1 John 3:2
Kingdom Ministries, Inc. is a completely faith-based ministry created to simply and clearly proclaim the message of the Kingdom of God and to share God's love in a practical way. In today's message, we examine Paul's words to the church at Corinth about the truth of the future resurrection. He made it very clear how the second coming of Christ will happen. Are you ready to hear that trumpet sound?
1 Cor. 15:51-58; 1 Thess. 4:16,17; Acts 1:10,11; Matt. 24:30,31; Rev. 11:15; 1 John 3:2

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The Open Bible Pulpit: The Battle for Your Time Pastor Chuck Jones E-mail Chuck Church of the Open Bible Pomona, California
How do you spend your time? What do you spend your time doing? We only have a limited amount of time, but we will find time for the things that are important to us. What's important to you? The answer will reveal your loyalty.
Psa. 90:12,2,10; Eph. 5:14-21
How do you spend your time? What do you spend your time doing? We only have a limited amount of time, but we will find time for the things that are important to us. What's important to you? The answer will reveal your loyalty.
Psa. 90:12,2,10; Eph. 5:14-21

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Focus on the Kingdom: Program 3 Anthony Buzzard E-mail Anthony A broadcast ministry of Restoration Fellowship
Focus on the Kingdom is dedicated to spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom throughout the world. Through these broadcasts and this ministry, Anthony aims to recover the focus of the Gospel message of the first-century disciples of Jesus, the Messiah, as it was preached and taught.
Focus on the Kingdom is dedicated to spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom throughout the world. Through these broadcasts and this ministry, Anthony aims to recover the focus of the Gospel message of the first-century disciples of Jesus, the Messiah, as it was preached and taught.

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Friday, August 25, 2011
Dynamic Christianity Pastor Kent Ross E-mail Kent
What made the early church grow? Why were they so dynamic? Could the growth they experienced happen in our churches today? How would we handle it? Can God do it again? Pastor Kent knows it can happen, and in today's message, he reminds us of the conditions it takes to make it happen again.
Acts 2:36-47
What made the early church grow? Why were they so dynamic? Could the growth they experienced happen in our churches today? How would we handle it? Can God do it again? Pastor Kent knows it can happen, and in today's message, he reminds us of the conditions it takes to make it happen again.
Acts 2:36-47

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A Living Faith Pastor Z.B. Duncan 11-25-1972
What is true faith? How can we know? What does the Bible tell us? How do others know we have a living faith? In this message from a revival service in 1972, Pastor Duncan challenges us to live out our faith. We have to put our confidence in the evidence. Our hope is in the promises of God. If we claim to be of the Abrahamic faith, let's act like it! Let's live like it! Let's show the world the faith we have in our God!
Gal. 3:24-29; Heb. 11:1,39; 13:5; Rom. 8:24; 14:23; 4:19; Acts 3:6;James 2:17-24; 1:22,6;
Matt. 5:16; 6:25-30; 17:20; Mark 9:23; Mal. 3:10; John 8:39; 14:1; Rev. 21:8; Psa. 23:1-4; Php. 4:13
What is true faith? How can we know? What does the Bible tell us? How do others know we have a living faith? In this message from a revival service in 1972, Pastor Duncan challenges us to live out our faith. We have to put our confidence in the evidence. Our hope is in the promises of God. If we claim to be of the Abrahamic faith, let's act like it! Let's live like it! Let's show the world the faith we have in our God!
Gal. 3:24-29; Heb. 11:1,39; 13:5; Rom. 8:24; 14:23; 4:19; Acts 3:6;James 2:17-24; 1:22,6;
Matt. 5:16; 6:25-30; 17:20; Mark 9:23; Mal. 3:10; John 8:39; 14:1; Rev. 21:8; Psa. 23:1-4; Php. 4:13

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Thursday, August 25, 2011
God is Willing: Pray Pastor Michael Hoffman E-mail Michael Oregon Church of God 860 West Oregon Trail Road, Oregon, IL
Luke 11:1-13; Php. 4:6,7; James 1:19; Psa. 27:14; Jer. 29:11
Luke 11:1-13; Php. 4:6,7; James 1:19; Psa. 27:14; Jer. 29:11

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How to Avoid a Pity Party Pastor Wally Winner E-mail Wally Joy Fellowship Church of God of the Abrahamic Faith
Luke 15:25-32
Luke 15:25-32

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Profiting from the Proverbs Pastor Steve Taylor E-mail Steve Lakeshore Bible Church Tempe, Arizona
We all probably have some kind of 'self-help' book on our shelves, but the best 'self-help' book of all time is the book of Proverbs. It's filled with practical wisdom from the world's wisest man. And Solomon's wisdom is really the wisdom he received directly from God. In today's message, we take an introductory look at the Proverbs and are reminded that God has all the answers and is the beginning of knowledge.
1 Kings 3:5,8,9; Proverbs 1:1-8; 3:5,6; 9:10; 10:1,26; 11:22,24;12:18,19,22; 14:12; 15:17; 16:20; 17:15,28; 18:8,22,24; 19:3; 20:9,27; 21:9,30,31; 22:6; 23:13,14; 25:1,17; 27:17; 29:1
We all probably have some kind of 'self-help' book on our shelves, but the best 'self-help' book of all time is the book of Proverbs. It's filled with practical wisdom from the world's wisest man. And Solomon's wisdom is really the wisdom he received directly from God. In today's message, we take an introductory look at the Proverbs and are reminded that God has all the answers and is the beginning of knowledge.
1 Kings 3:5,8,9; Proverbs 1:1-8; 3:5,6; 9:10; 10:1,26; 11:22,24;12:18,19,22; 14:12; 15:17; 16:20; 17:15,28; 18:8,22,24; 19:3; 20:9,27; 21:9,30,31; 22:6; 23:13,14; 25:1,17; 27:17; 29:1

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Yielding to the Potter Pastor Mark DeYoung E-mail Mark Blanchard Church of God Blanchard, Michigan
Sometimes, we like to focus on what we think will make us happy instead of submitting to what God wants us to be. But we have to let the Potter make us. We have to yield to Him. We have to be in the center of His will. Maybe it's time for you to ask Him what He wants you to be. Will you let Him mold you and make you into what He sees in you?
Isaiah 64:8; Jeremiah 18:1-6
Sometimes, we like to focus on what we think will make us happy instead of submitting to what God wants us to be. But we have to let the Potter make us. We have to yield to Him. We have to be in the center of His will. Maybe it's time for you to ask Him what He wants you to be. Will you let Him mold you and make you into what He sees in you?
Isaiah 64:8; Jeremiah 18:1-6

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Better Covenant, Better Promises Pastor Terry Ferrell E-mail Terry Greenville Church of God, Greenville SC
Under the Aaronic priesthood, no sins were ever actually removed. None of the sacrifices ever made anyone perfect. And no priest could continue on forever. But under the 'new' covenant, sins can be forgiven through our eternal High Priest. It is a better covenant based upon better promises.
Jer. 31:31-34; Heb. 8; 9:14; Rom. 3:19; Deut. 31; Gal. 4:24-26;1 Cor. 10:32
Under the Aaronic priesthood, no sins were ever actually removed. None of the sacrifices ever made anyone perfect. And no priest could continue on forever. But under the 'new' covenant, sins can be forgiven through our eternal High Priest. It is a better covenant based upon better promises.
Jer. 31:31-34; Heb. 8; 9:14; Rom. 3:19; Deut. 31; Gal. 4:24-26;1 Cor. 10:32

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Moses - A Man of Faith Pastor Hollis Partlowe
Most believers have heard of Moses. He was the great lawgiver and emancipator of the Hebrews. He chose to lead the slaves for God rather than be a prince in palace of the world. In many ways, he exemplifies a life of faith for us. In today's message, we see four characteristics that made Moses great, as we see him refusing, choosing, esteeming, and enduring.
Heb. 11:22-29,6; 12:3,4; Exod. 6:20; 12; Deut. 18:15-18; 34:1-8; Acts 7:22; Num. 12:3; 20:10; 2 Tim. 2:15; Josh. 1;
John 1:18; 1 John 4:12
Most believers have heard of Moses. He was the great lawgiver and emancipator of the Hebrews. He chose to lead the slaves for God rather than be a prince in palace of the world. In many ways, he exemplifies a life of faith for us. In today's message, we see four characteristics that made Moses great, as we see him refusing, choosing, esteeming, and enduring.
Heb. 11:22-29,6; 12:3,4; Exod. 6:20; 12; Deut. 18:15-18; 34:1-8; Acts 7:22; Num. 12:3; 20:10; 2 Tim. 2:15; Josh. 1;
John 1:18; 1 John 4:12

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Monday, August 22, 2011
The Voice of Tomorrow: A Place for You Pastor Dale Swartz E-mail Dale Litchfield Church of God Litchfield, MN
Kingdom Ministries, Inc. is a completely faith-based ministry created to simply and clearly proclaim the message of the Kingdom of God and to share God's love in a practical way. In today's message, we examine Jesus' words to his disciples. He knew God's plan. He knew he would have to go to the cross. But he also knew that wasn't the end. God had promised a future for his people. When Jesus returns, will there be a place for you?
John 13:33-14:3; Matt. 16:21; Acts 2:37,38; Rom. 5:8
Kingdom Ministries, Inc. is a completely faith-based ministry created to simply and clearly proclaim the message of the Kingdom of God and to share God's love in a practical way. In today's message, we examine Jesus' words to his disciples. He knew God's plan. He knew he would have to go to the cross. But he also knew that wasn't the end. God had promised a future for his people. When Jesus returns, will there be a place for you?
John 13:33-14:3; Matt. 16:21; Acts 2:37,38; Rom. 5:8

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The Open Bible Pulpit: The Battle for Truth Pastor Chuck Jones E-mail Chuck Church of the Open Bible Pomona, California
What is truth? Are we certain about the truth? Can we know it? Are we led by it? Do we follow it? How valuable is it to you? The world wants you to think like it does, but we can't let our loyalty be divided. We have to know the truth. We have to live the truth. And that's God's truth.
Psalm 45:4,5; 86:11; 119:29-31,43, 142,151; John 17:17; Eph. 1:13; 6:14; Rom. 1:18-25; 2:5-7; 2 Thess. 2:9,10;
2 Tim. 2:25,26; 4:2-4; James 5:19,20; Prov. 23:23
What is truth? Are we certain about the truth? Can we know it? Are we led by it? Do we follow it? How valuable is it to you? The world wants you to think like it does, but we can't let our loyalty be divided. We have to know the truth. We have to live the truth. And that's God's truth.
Psalm 45:4,5; 86:11; 119:29-31,43, 142,151; John 17:17; Eph. 1:13; 6:14; Rom. 1:18-25; 2:5-7; 2 Thess. 2:9,10;
2 Tim. 2:25,26; 4:2-4; James 5:19,20; Prov. 23:23

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Focus on the Kingdom: Program 2 Anthony Buzzard E-mail Anthony A broadcast ministry of Restoration Fellowship
Focus on the Kingdom is dedicated to spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom throughout the world. Through these broadcasts and this ministry, Anthony aims to recover the focus of the Gospel message of the first-century disciples of Jesus, the Messiah, as it was preached and taught.
Focus on the Kingdom is dedicated to spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom throughout the world. Through these broadcasts and this ministry, Anthony aims to recover the focus of the Gospel message of the first-century disciples of Jesus, the Messiah, as it was preached and taught.

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Friday, August 19, 2011
From Milk to Meat: Equipping God's People to do God's Work Pastor Dan Cain Oregon Church of God, Oregon, Illinois
It wouldn't make much sense for a 30-year old to still be on an infant's diet. In the same way, a believer can't always stay on 'spiritual milk.' We have to continue to grow and mature in Christ. But why do we have to do it? How are we supposed to do that? In today's message, we learn how edifying Christians build a strong and unified body for Christ.
Ephesians 4:11-16
It wouldn't make much sense for a 30-year old to still be on an infant's diet. In the same way, a believer can't always stay on 'spiritual milk.' We have to continue to grow and mature in Christ. But why do we have to do it? How are we supposed to do that? In today's message, we learn how edifying Christians build a strong and unified body for Christ.
Ephesians 4:11-16

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Only One Rule Jon Cheatwood E-mail Jon
In the Garden of Eden, God gave Adam and Eve only one rule - and they broke it. Sometimes we like to think how easy it would be if we only had one rule to follow. Actually, though, we do have one command. Jesus said it was the greatest commandment of all. It sounds simple enough, but how well are we doing at following 'the rules' in our lives?
Genesis 2:4-17; Matthew 22:37-40
In the Garden of Eden, God gave Adam and Eve only one rule - and they broke it. Sometimes we like to think how easy it would be if we only had one rule to follow. Actually, though, we do have one command. Jesus said it was the greatest commandment of all. It sounds simple enough, but how well are we doing at following 'the rules' in our lives?
Genesis 2:4-17; Matthew 22:37-40

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Thursday, August 18, 2011
Endure Until the End Pastor Mark DeYoung E-mail Mark Blanchard Church of God Blanchard, Michigan
Sometimes, we need to be reminded that salvation is a conditional promise based upon our faithfulness. We can't think that we can simply sit back and be comfortable and still call ourselves "Christian." We have to take action. We have to serve. Are you? That's the challenge in today's message from Pastor Mark. We can't live a lukewarm life if we want to obtain eternal life. We might even have to suffer a little, but we must endure.
Matt. 24:13; Rev. 13:20,21; 3:15-18
Sometimes, we need to be reminded that salvation is a conditional promise based upon our faithfulness. We can't think that we can simply sit back and be comfortable and still call ourselves "Christian." We have to take action. We have to serve. Are you? That's the challenge in today's message from Pastor Mark. We can't live a lukewarm life if we want to obtain eternal life. We might even have to suffer a little, but we must endure.
Matt. 24:13; Rev. 13:20,21; 3:15-18

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Real Refreshment Pastor Michael Hoffman E-mail Michael Oregon Church of God 860 West Oregon Trail Road, Oregon, IL
Have you ever heard of Onesiphorus? Maybe not, but you will hear of the powerful effect he made in one man's life in today's message from Pastor Michael. The Apostle Paul writes fondly of Onesiphorus in his last known letter from prison. His dear friend searched for the Apostle and came to him to be a spiritual refreshment. In his brief story, we are given a glimpse of the model of encouragement that we all can be as disciples of Christ. Tough times can be great opportunities to proclaim our hope and uplift our brethren. Will you be a refreshment? Will you 'stand beside' your brothers? Will you share your joy?
2 Tim. 1:16-18; Prov. 11:25; 15:23,30; Rom. 15:30-32; 1 Cor. 16:17,18; Acts 3:19; Philemon 20
Have you ever heard of Onesiphorus? Maybe not, but you will hear of the powerful effect he made in one man's life in today's message from Pastor Michael. The Apostle Paul writes fondly of Onesiphorus in his last known letter from prison. His dear friend searched for the Apostle and came to him to be a spiritual refreshment. In his brief story, we are given a glimpse of the model of encouragement that we all can be as disciples of Christ. Tough times can be great opportunities to proclaim our hope and uplift our brethren. Will you be a refreshment? Will you 'stand beside' your brothers? Will you share your joy?
2 Tim. 1:16-18; Prov. 11:25; 15:23,30; Rom. 15:30-32; 1 Cor. 16:17,18; Acts 3:19; Philemon 20

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Fear Factor: Facing Down Evil Pastor Steve Taylor E-mail Steve Lakeshore Bible Church Tempe, Arizona
We live in a world full of tragedies and injustices, but how do we handle the great dilemma of evil? Will simply living a godly life be enough to protect us? Do we just live in continuous fear? In today's message, we are encouraged by the words of the Apostle Peter as he wrote to believers in Rome who faced imprisonment and death just for being Christian. His words are a great lesson for us. In the face of evil, we can't retreat. We have to live by faith, being a light in the darkness that surrounds us.
Luke 13:1,2,4; Ecc. 9:11,12; 1 Pet. 4:7-19; Matt. 24:12; Heb. 10:24,25
We live in a world full of tragedies and injustices, but how do we handle the great dilemma of evil? Will simply living a godly life be enough to protect us? Do we just live in continuous fear? In today's message, we are encouraged by the words of the Apostle Peter as he wrote to believers in Rome who faced imprisonment and death just for being Christian. His words are a great lesson for us. In the face of evil, we can't retreat. We have to live by faith, being a light in the darkness that surrounds us.
Luke 13:1,2,4; Ecc. 9:11,12; 1 Pet. 4:7-19; Matt. 24:12; Heb. 10:24,25

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It's Never Too Late to Come Back Home Pastor Wally Winner E-mail Wally Joy Fellowship Church of God of the Abrahamic Faith
There are many prodigals in the world today that haven't yet found their way back. And sadly, there are many more on their way out. Not all of them are turning their back on God; some are just disillusioned with the institutional church. But many do turn away from God, and they leave the church because they think it's the easiest way to get as far away from Him as possible. In today's parable, we are reminded that if you're one, you can always come back home. Today. The Father is waiting for you. Be encouraged as you hear the five things that will help you find your way back to the Father.
Luke 15:11-24
There are many prodigals in the world today that haven't yet found their way back. And sadly, there are many more on their way out. Not all of them are turning their back on God; some are just disillusioned with the institutional church. But many do turn away from God, and they leave the church because they think it's the easiest way to get as far away from Him as possible. In today's parable, we are reminded that if you're one, you can always come back home. Today. The Father is waiting for you. Be encouraged as you hear the five things that will help you find your way back to the Father.
Luke 15:11-24

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011
The Priest of the Order of Melchizedek Pastor Terry Ferrell E-mail Terry Greenville Church of God, Greenville SC
We are introduced to Melchizedek, the king and priest of Salem, in the book of Genesis following Lot's rescue by his Uncle Abraham. Abraham came to him in worship with a tenth of the spoil he had won. We also are reminded that Melchizedek existed before the law and before the Levitical priesthood was established. In a similar way, Jesus has now become a superior high priest forever of the same order. Jesus was not a priest by birth or pedigree, but by appointment by God. He now intercedes as our high priest giving us access to the Father. And he can do this because he offered the perfect, sinless sacrifice - himself - for me and you.
Gen. 14:17-20; Heb. 5:10; 6:20-7:28; Psa. 110:4; 76; Num. 4:2,3,46,47
We are introduced to Melchizedek, the king and priest of Salem, in the book of Genesis following Lot's rescue by his Uncle Abraham. Abraham came to him in worship with a tenth of the spoil he had won. We also are reminded that Melchizedek existed before the law and before the Levitical priesthood was established. In a similar way, Jesus has now become a superior high priest forever of the same order. Jesus was not a priest by birth or pedigree, but by appointment by God. He now intercedes as our high priest giving us access to the Father. And he can do this because he offered the perfect, sinless sacrifice - himself - for me and you.
Gen. 14:17-20; Heb. 5:10; 6:20-7:28; Psa. 110:4; 76; Num. 4:2,3,46,47

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The Rebuilding of the Tabernacle of David Pastor Hollis Partlowe
We're heading towards the end of the church age. One of the greatest signs preceding the end of the age are the events that are happening in Israel. Today, Israel is back in the land. The Jewish nation has returned. And God has called a chosen people to rebuild the tabernacle. But why would it be rebuilt? When? What's the future of Israel? Find out today.
Acts 15:12-21; 1:6-8; Amos 9:8-15; Isaiah 16:5; 54:5,17; 37:33-38; 66:7-9; Luke 24:21; 21:24; John 16:7; 1 Peter 1:10-12;
2 Peter 3:11; Jeremiah 51:19; Psalm 2:13-16; 122:6; Joel 3:1-3; Romans 11:18-27, 1,2
We're heading towards the end of the church age. One of the greatest signs preceding the end of the age are the events that are happening in Israel. Today, Israel is back in the land. The Jewish nation has returned. And God has called a chosen people to rebuild the tabernacle. But why would it be rebuilt? When? What's the future of Israel? Find out today.
Acts 15:12-21; 1:6-8; Amos 9:8-15; Isaiah 16:5; 54:5,17; 37:33-38; 66:7-9; Luke 24:21; 21:24; John 16:7; 1 Peter 1:10-12;
2 Peter 3:11; Jeremiah 51:19; Psalm 2:13-16; 122:6; Joel 3:1-3; Romans 11:18-27, 1,2

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Monday, August 15, 2011
The Voice of Tomorrow: Our Spiritual Body Pastor Dale Swartz E-mail Dale Litchfield Church of God Litchfield, MN
Kingdom Ministries, Inc. is a completely faith-based ministry created to simply and clearly proclaim the message of the Kingdom of God and to share God's love in a practical way. In today's message, we examine Paul's great passage on resurrection. He compares our physical bodies, at death, to a seed that is planted into the ground. And when we awake at Christ's return, it will be with a new, spiritual, imperishable body.
1 Cor. 15:35-50; 1 Thess. 4:16,17; Php. 3:21; 1 John 3:2
Kingdom Ministries, Inc. is a completely faith-based ministry created to simply and clearly proclaim the message of the Kingdom of God and to share God's love in a practical way. In today's message, we examine Paul's great passage on resurrection. He compares our physical bodies, at death, to a seed that is planted into the ground. And when we awake at Christ's return, it will be with a new, spiritual, imperishable body.
1 Cor. 15:35-50; 1 Thess. 4:16,17; Php. 3:21; 1 John 3:2

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The Open Bible Pulpit: First of All Pray Pastor Chuck Jones E-mail Chuck Church of the Open Bible Pomona, California
In today's message, we read Paul's instructions to Timothy about prayer. He wrote to him about what should be first and foremost on Timothy's agenda. Before any ministry or activity, he wanted Timothy to pray. The same instructions apply to us. We need to be communicating with our Heavenly Father before we do anything and talking to Him about everything. It's something we all can do. Are you? Will you?
1 Timothy 2:1-10
In today's message, we read Paul's instructions to Timothy about prayer. He wrote to him about what should be first and foremost on Timothy's agenda. Before any ministry or activity, he wanted Timothy to pray. The same instructions apply to us. We need to be communicating with our Heavenly Father before we do anything and talking to Him about everything. It's something we all can do. Are you? Will you?
1 Timothy 2:1-10

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Focus on the Kingdom: Program 1 Anthony Buzzard E-mail Anthony A broadcast ministry of Restoration Fellowship
Focus on the Kingdom is dedicated to spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom throughout the world. Through these broadcasts and this ministry, Anthony aims to recover the focus of the Gospel message of the first-century disciples of Jesus, the Messiah, as it was preached and taught.
Focus on the Kingdom is dedicated to spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom throughout the world. Through these broadcasts and this ministry, Anthony aims to recover the focus of the Gospel message of the first-century disciples of Jesus, the Messiah, as it was preached and taught.

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Friday, August 12, 2011
Knit Together in Love Pastor Mark DeYoung E-mail Mark Blanchard Church of God Blanchard, Michigan
The Apostle Paul wrote to the Colossian believers to encourage them in their faith. His desire was to be with them, but he reminded them that they were not alone. We're all 'knit together' as one in Christ. And through Jesus, we are a tightly knit fellowship of believers no matter where we are.
The Apostle Paul wrote to the Colossian believers to encourage them in their faith. His desire was to be with them, but he reminded them that they were not alone. We're all 'knit together' as one in Christ. And through Jesus, we are a tightly knit fellowship of believers no matter where we are.

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One God and How to Worship Him Richard Worley
The first commandment God gave to Moses was not to have any other gods besides Him. The second commandment was not to make any false gods or to worship them. Jesus, likewise, quoted the Shema as the first and foremost commandment. These were all commands. There can be no mistake. In today's message, we are reminded of these commands and encouraged to know the one and only true God as we give Him the worship and glory that He alone deserves.
The first commandment God gave to Moses was not to have any other gods besides Him. The second commandment was not to make any false gods or to worship them. Jesus, likewise, quoted the Shema as the first and foremost commandment. These were all commands. There can be no mistake. In today's message, we are reminded of these commands and encouraged to know the one and only true God as we give Him the worship and glory that He alone deserves.

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Thursday, August 11, 2011
Visiting a Vision Pastor Michael Hoffman E-mail Michael Oregon Church of God 860 West Oregon Trail Road, Oregon, IL
"Vision" is the ability to see God's presence, power, and plan despite of the obstacles. In today's story of Peter's vision, we see how his vision should shape ours.
Acts 10
"Vision" is the ability to see God's presence, power, and plan despite of the obstacles. In today's story of Peter's vision, we see how his vision should shape ours.
Acts 10

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The New Jerusalem Richard Worley
In the Bible, we are told of the city that is to come. It is known as "The Beautiful City of God." It is called the "New Jerusalem." It's a literal city that will be on this earth forever. It is being prepared for all of the righteous. Living in it was the hope of Abraham. He was looking for it. Wouldn't you like to live there? You can. Find out how, when, and where in today's message.
In the Bible, we are told of the city that is to come. It is known as "The Beautiful City of God." It is called the "New Jerusalem." It's a literal city that will be on this earth forever. It is being prepared for all of the righteous. Living in it was the hope of Abraham. He was looking for it. Wouldn't you like to live there? You can. Find out how, when, and where in today's message.

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Wednesday, August 10, 2011
A Guarantee for the Future Pastor Wally Winner E-mail Wally Joy Fellowship Church of God of the Abrahamic Faith
It's possible to spend thousands of dollars on insurance without ever filing a claim. But life insurance makes perfect sense because we're all guaranteed to die. In today's parable, Jesus talks about insuring our lives against another certainty. We are all going to face him one day. The wedding invitations have already been sent. Will you be ready for the bridegroom?
Matt. 25:1-13; Heb. 9:27,28; 2 Pet. 3:9
It's possible to spend thousands of dollars on insurance without ever filing a claim. But life insurance makes perfect sense because we're all guaranteed to die. In today's parable, Jesus talks about insuring our lives against another certainty. We are all going to face him one day. The wedding invitations have already been sent. Will you be ready for the bridegroom?
Matt. 25:1-13; Heb. 9:27,28; 2 Pet. 3:9

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Seeing What Faith Sees Pastor Steve Taylor E-mail Steve Lakeshore Bible Church Tempe, Arizona
We don't all see things the same way, but we've all been given a prescription for sight through faith. Faith allows us to see what is hidden. In today's story, we're reminded that the One who's with us is greater than anything in this world. Let's see Him as we look for His coming Kingdom.
Hebrews 11:1; 2 Kings 6
We don't all see things the same way, but we've all been given a prescription for sight through faith. Faith allows us to see what is hidden. In today's story, we're reminded that the One who's with us is greater than anything in this world. Let's see Him as we look for His coming Kingdom.
Hebrews 11:1; 2 Kings 6

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The Hope of Eternal Life Richard Worley
Does man already posses immortality, or are there conditions? Is man by nature immortal and indestructible? If not, when will man receive eternal life? Find out the answers in today's show.
Gen. 2:7; 3:22-24; Rom. 2:7; 1 Tim. 6:16; Rev. 1:8; 1 Cor. 15:50-54; Mark 10:29,30; Jn. 11:26; 6:40; 1 Jn.5:11,13; Col. 3:3,4; 2 Tim. 4:1,8
Does man already posses immortality, or are there conditions? Is man by nature immortal and indestructible? If not, when will man receive eternal life? Find out the answers in today's show.
Gen. 2:7; 3:22-24; Rom. 2:7; 1 Tim. 6:16; Rev. 1:8; 1 Cor. 15:50-54; Mark 10:29,30; Jn. 11:26; 6:40; 1 Jn.5:11,13; Col. 3:3,4; 2 Tim. 4:1,8

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011
The Sure Hope Pastor Terry Ferrell E-mail Terry Greenville Church of God, Greenville SC
God has made an oath. He has promised us of the sure hope that lies ahead. We are heirs of the same covenant He made to Abraham through faith. It's the anchor of our lives. In the present evil that surrounds, let's not forget it.
God has made an oath. He has promised us of the sure hope that lies ahead. We are heirs of the same covenant He made to Abraham through faith. It's the anchor of our lives. In the present evil that surrounds, let's not forget it.

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The War of Armageddon Pastor Hollis Partlowe
In the past few centuries, we have witnessed an unusual number of international conflicts. But the Bible teaches that the worst war of all still lies in the future. All the nations of the world will gather for one final conflict. But unlike all the others, Jesus will intervene. Even those who don't know anything about the Bible have heard of "Armageddon." Although the word itself only occurs one time in Scripture, it is described in detail. Where will it be? When will it be? How will it happen? Find out today.
Revelation 16:14-16
In the past few centuries, we have witnessed an unusual number of international conflicts. But the Bible teaches that the worst war of all still lies in the future. All the nations of the world will gather for one final conflict. But unlike all the others, Jesus will intervene. Even those who don't know anything about the Bible have heard of "Armageddon." Although the word itself only occurs one time in Scripture, it is described in detail. Where will it be? When will it be? How will it happen? Find out today.
Revelation 16:14-16

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Absent or Present? Richard Worley
What are life and death according to the word of God? Is death just some kind of transition? Did Jesus really die? Often popular theology applies to the state of death what the scriptures do not apply until the resurrection. Why have theologians somehow rewritten the creation and existence of man? What really happens when we die? What does the Bible say?
2 Corinthians 5:8
What are life and death according to the word of God? Is death just some kind of transition? Did Jesus really die? Often popular theology applies to the state of death what the scriptures do not apply until the resurrection. Why have theologians somehow rewritten the creation and existence of man? What really happens when we die? What does the Bible say?
2 Corinthians 5:8

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Monday, August 8, 2011
The Voice of Tomorrow: God's Plans Pastor Dale Swartz E-mail Dale Litchfield Church of God Litchfield, MN
Kingdom Ministries, Inc. is a completely faith-based ministry created to simply and clearly proclaim the message of the Kingdom of God and to share God's love in a practical way.
Kingdom Ministries, Inc. is a completely faith-based ministry created to simply and clearly proclaim the message of the Kingdom of God and to share God's love in a practical way.

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The Open Bible Pulpit: The Experience of Prayer Pastor Chuck Jones E-mail Chuck Church of the Open Bible Pomona, California
What do we experience when we pray? Do we experience God's presence? In today's message, we examine how Jesus prayed. When he prayed, things happened. When his apostles prayed, things happened. When we pray, are things happening?
Luke 3:21,22; 9:26-29, 12-17; 11:1-9; Acts 2:1-4; 4:23-31; 9:40
What do we experience when we pray? Do we experience God's presence? In today's message, we examine how Jesus prayed. When he prayed, things happened. When his apostles prayed, things happened. When we pray, are things happening?
Luke 3:21,22; 9:26-29, 12-17; 11:1-9; Acts 2:1-4; 4:23-31; 9:40

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The Restoration of All Things Richard Worley
This world is a wreck today as man has made a mess of it. But God has promised a restoring of all things to their original purpose and beauty. This hope was extended to the Israelites in the Old Testament and the followers of Christ today. But many are still rejecting and ignoring God's plan of salvation. How will God restore the earth? Where is the promised home of the redeemed? When will it be renewed? How can we know? Find out the answers in today's radio program.
This world is a wreck today as man has made a mess of it. But God has promised a restoring of all things to their original purpose and beauty. This hope was extended to the Israelites in the Old Testament and the followers of Christ today. But many are still rejecting and ignoring God's plan of salvation. How will God restore the earth? Where is the promised home of the redeemed? When will it be renewed? How can we know? Find out the answers in today's radio program.

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Friday, August 5, 2011
The Jonah Within Us Pastor Dan Cain Oregon Church of God, Oregon, Illinois
We've probably all heard the story of Jonah. God commanded this prophet to go preach to Nineveh, but instead, Jonah chose to run away from God. Through difficult circumstances, including being swallowed by a great fish, he finally reluctantly went. Simple story, right? But what about you? How is God speaking to you? What if He calls you to do something you don't want to do? Will you listen? Will you go?
The Book of Jonah
We've probably all heard the story of Jonah. God commanded this prophet to go preach to Nineveh, but instead, Jonah chose to run away from God. Through difficult circumstances, including being swallowed by a great fish, he finally reluctantly went. Simple story, right? But what about you? How is God speaking to you? What if He calls you to do something you don't want to do? Will you listen? Will you go?
The Book of Jonah

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The Better Resurrection Pastor Alan Cain E-mail Alan Lawrenceville Church of God Springfield, Ohio
Many around the world have been persecuted for their faith. They have endured the suffering because of their hope. They know that the end of their life is not the end of the story. When Jesus returns, things will be made right. And because he rose from the dead, someday all the righteous will too.
Matt. 6:11,19,21,25-34; 4; Isa. 33:15; Prov. 30:8; Mark 8:13-17
Many around the world have been persecuted for their faith. They have endured the suffering because of their hope. They know that the end of their life is not the end of the story. When Jesus returns, things will be made right. And because he rose from the dead, someday all the righteous will too.
Matt. 6:11,19,21,25-34; 4; Isa. 33:15; Prov. 30:8; Mark 8:13-17

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Thursday, August 4, 2011
God's Sense of Humor Pastor Michael Hoffman E-mail Michael Oregon Church of God 860 West Oregon Trail Road, Oregon, IL
Men and women are different. Really. Believe it or not, it's true. And guess what? God made men and women different intentionally. He designed us that way - and He's been laughing ever since. But He designed us that way to compliment each other, not to create conflict. Let's realize it. Let's celebrate it. Let's laugh a little.
Gen. 1:27,28; 2:18-25; 5:1,2; Gal. 3:26; 1 Cor. 11:3; Deut. 22:5; 1 Tim. 2:9,10; 2 Cor. 10:5
Men and women are different. Really. Believe it or not, it's true. And guess what? God made men and women different intentionally. He designed us that way - and He's been laughing ever since. But He designed us that way to compliment each other, not to create conflict. Let's realize it. Let's celebrate it. Let's laugh a little.
Gen. 1:27,28; 2:18-25; 5:1,2; Gal. 3:26; 1 Cor. 11:3; Deut. 22:5; 1 Tim. 2:9,10; 2 Cor. 10:5

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The Wisdom of God vs. the Wisdom of the World Pastor Michael Cisler E-mail Michael North Kent Bible Church Rockford, MI
God's wisdom calls us in one direction. The world leads us down a different path. We have to choose from the two paths we are given. And as we put our hearts and our minds into the word of God and allow God to work in our lives, we start making those wise decisions. So how will you decide?
Proverbs 1; 8; 9; John 14:27; 1 Corinthians 1:17-25
God's wisdom calls us in one direction. The world leads us down a different path. We have to choose from the two paths we are given. And as we put our hearts and our minds into the word of God and allow God to work in our lives, we start making those wise decisions. So how will you decide?
Proverbs 1; 8; 9; John 14:27; 1 Corinthians 1:17-25

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011
My Last Sermon Pastor Steve Taylor E-mail Steve Lakeshore Bible Church Tempe, Arizona
No, today's message isn't really Pastor Steve's last sermon - or at least we hope not. Today's message title was taken from a 1936 message written by J.H. Anderson to an audience he knew he would never see again. Have you ever thought about what message you would share if you only had one chance to share it? Listen in as Pastor Taylor shares the timeless truth of God's timeless offer.
Acts 20:25; 2:37,38; Gen. 2:16,17; 17:8; 22:18; Deut. 30:15; Jer. 21:8; Rom. 6:23; 5:12; Matt. 7:13,14; Ecc. 9:5; Psa. 146:4; Gal. 3:8,26-29; John 17:3; 10; Rev. 22:12; Heb. 11:6
No, today's message isn't really Pastor Steve's last sermon - or at least we hope not. Today's message title was taken from a 1936 message written by J.H. Anderson to an audience he knew he would never see again. Have you ever thought about what message you would share if you only had one chance to share it? Listen in as Pastor Taylor shares the timeless truth of God's timeless offer.
Acts 20:25; 2:37,38; Gen. 2:16,17; 17:8; 22:18; Deut. 30:15; Jer. 21:8; Rom. 6:23; 5:12; Matt. 7:13,14; Ecc. 9:5; Psa. 146:4; Gal. 3:8,26-29; John 17:3; 10; Rev. 22:12; Heb. 11:6

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The Key to Praying with Power Pastor Wally Winner E-mail Wally Joy Fellowship Church of God Piedmont, SC
Prayer is about persistence, and God answers prayer when we pray persistently. That's the lesson we learn in today's parable. We don't just give up because we don't get an answer right away. God always answers our prayers in His own perfect time. In today's message, we learn 3 ways we can benefit from our persistent prayers.
Luke 18:1-8; Psa. 55:17; Luke 11:9,10
Prayer is about persistence, and God answers prayer when we pray persistently. That's the lesson we learn in today's parable. We don't just give up because we don't get an answer right away. God always answers our prayers in His own perfect time. In today's message, we learn 3 ways we can benefit from our persistent prayers.
Luke 18:1-8; Psa. 55:17; Luke 11:9,10

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011
If the Righteous Scarcely Be Saved Pastor Terry Ferrell E-mail Terry Greenville Church of God, Greenville SC
If we come to Christ, does that mean that mean from then on our salvation is automatic? Some might think so, but is that what the Bible really teaches? What about those outside of Christ? What happens to them? What does the Bible mean when it says that even the "righteous" will "scarcely be saved?" In today's message, Preacher Ferrell reminds us that we must be diligent and devoted daily if we expect to obtain eternal life when Jesus returns.
1 Peter 4:12-19; Prov. 11:31; Isa. 64:6,7; Psa. 14:1-3; 37; Rom 3,4; Php. 3; 1 Cor. 9; Jude 5; Heb. 12; John 3:16-18; 2 Thess. 1:7-9
If we come to Christ, does that mean that mean from then on our salvation is automatic? Some might think so, but is that what the Bible really teaches? What about those outside of Christ? What happens to them? What does the Bible mean when it says that even the "righteous" will "scarcely be saved?" In today's message, Preacher Ferrell reminds us that we must be diligent and devoted daily if we expect to obtain eternal life when Jesus returns.
1 Peter 4:12-19; Prov. 11:31; Isa. 64:6,7; Psa. 14:1-3; 37; Rom 3,4; Php. 3; 1 Cor. 9; Jude 5; Heb. 12; John 3:16-18; 2 Thess. 1:7-9

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Three Kinds of Men Pastor Hollis Partlowe
There are really only three kinds of people in this world. There are those who live without Christ, those who are wavering on the fence, and those who are living for Christ. The Bible uses the terms of the natural man, the carnal man, and the spiritual man. As Pastor Partlowe explains the nature of each, maybe it's a good time to reflect. Which description fits you?
1 Cor. 2:14-3:9; 15:57; 2 Cor. 13:5; 4:3; 5:17; James 1:23-25; 4:4; Eph. 2:1,12; John 3:16-18; Matt. 6:24; Rom. 7:20,21
There are really only three kinds of people in this world. There are those who live without Christ, those who are wavering on the fence, and those who are living for Christ. The Bible uses the terms of the natural man, the carnal man, and the spiritual man. As Pastor Partlowe explains the nature of each, maybe it's a good time to reflect. Which description fits you?
1 Cor. 2:14-3:9; 15:57; 2 Cor. 13:5; 4:3; 5:17; James 1:23-25; 4:4; Eph. 2:1,12; John 3:16-18; Matt. 6:24; Rom. 7:20,21

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Monday, August 1, 2011
The Voice of Tomorrow: The Hour is Coming
Pastor Dale Swartz E-mail Dale Litchfield Church of God Litchfield, MN
Kingdom Ministries, Inc. is a completely faith-based ministry created to simply and clearly proclaim the message of the Kingdom of God and to share God's love in a practical way. In today's message, we look at the two types of death and the two types of resurrection. Jesus proclaimed, "The hour is coming." Are you ready?
Hebrews 9:27; Genesis 47:29; John 5:28,29
Pastor Dale Swartz E-mail Dale Litchfield Church of God Litchfield, MN
Kingdom Ministries, Inc. is a completely faith-based ministry created to simply and clearly proclaim the message of the Kingdom of God and to share God's love in a practical way. In today's message, we look at the two types of death and the two types of resurrection. Jesus proclaimed, "The hour is coming." Are you ready?
Hebrews 9:27; Genesis 47:29; John 5:28,29

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The Open Bible Pulpit: Why Pray?
Pastor Chuck Jones E-mail Chuck Church of the Open Bible Pomona, California
Jesus prayed continually throughout his ministry as a part of his preparation. So do we think without praying that we can accomplish more than Christ? Prayer is also commanded and expected. It keeps us connected with our God. It shows we're dependent on our Heavenly Father for everything. So why pray? How can we not?
Luke 6:12-19; Matt. 5:44; 6:6; 26:41; James 5:13; 1 Thess. 5:17; Proverbs 15:8; John 8:29; 6:57; Rom. 8:15; Gal. 4:6
Pastor Chuck Jones E-mail Chuck Church of the Open Bible Pomona, California
Jesus prayed continually throughout his ministry as a part of his preparation. So do we think without praying that we can accomplish more than Christ? Prayer is also commanded and expected. It keeps us connected with our God. It shows we're dependent on our Heavenly Father for everything. So why pray? How can we not?
Luke 6:12-19; Matt. 5:44; 6:6; 26:41; James 5:13; 1 Thess. 5:17; Proverbs 15:8; John 8:29; 6:57; Rom. 8:15; Gal. 4:6

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July 29-31, 2011 - Tribute Broadcast to Retiring Pastors
Pastors Rex Cain, Scott Ross, and Dale Ramsey are all retiring from the full-time ministry. Don't forget to send a note their way thanking them for their work and service for the Lord !

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God's Perfect Tomorrow
Pastor Scott Ross E-mail Scott
Pastor Scott Ross E-mail Scott

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Music from the OBC Chorales
Instructed and conducted by Pastor Dale Ramsey
Instructed and conducted by Pastor Dale Ramsey
Thursday, July 28, 2011
You Can't Compare Today with Tomorrow
Pastor Rex Cain E-mail Rex Church of the Open Bible Bedford, Ohio
Do you ever think about your own mortality? Do you wonder where the years have gone? No matter how many herbal teas we drink or vitamins we take or how much exercise we do, we're reminded how mortal we really are. But this life isn't it. We have every reason to rejoice. Jesus is coming soon. The things we have now are here today and gone tomorrow, but God is renewing us each day as we look forward for that immortal life that's coming.
Pastor Rex Cain E-mail Rex Church of the Open Bible Bedford, Ohio
Do you ever think about your own mortality? Do you wonder where the years have gone? No matter how many herbal teas we drink or vitamins we take or how much exercise we do, we're reminded how mortal we really are. But this life isn't it. We have every reason to rejoice. Jesus is coming soon. The things we have now are here today and gone tomorrow, but God is renewing us each day as we look forward for that immortal life that's coming.
What Must I do to be Saved?
Pastor Gordon Landry
What does it mean to be "saved?" Why do you need a Savior? What are you saved from? Is it permanent? What do you have to do? How can you be saved? Find out the answers in today's message when the same question was asked.
Acts 16
Pastor Gordon Landry
What does it mean to be "saved?" Why do you need a Savior? What are you saved from? Is it permanent? What do you have to do? How can you be saved? Find out the answers in today's message when the same question was asked.
Acts 16

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011
It Happened One Day Back Home
Pastor Steve Taylor E-mail Steve Lakeshore Bible Church Tempe, Arizona
Have you ever felt a "hometown stigma?" So did Jesus. In today's story, we find applications for our lives as we examine his provocative statements that outraged Nazareth.
John 1:47; Luke 4:14-30; Isa. 61:1,2; Mark 1:15; Lev. 25:8-17
Pastor Steve Taylor E-mail Steve Lakeshore Bible Church Tempe, Arizona
Have you ever felt a "hometown stigma?" So did Jesus. In today's story, we find applications for our lives as we examine his provocative statements that outraged Nazareth.
John 1:47; Luke 4:14-30; Isa. 61:1,2; Mark 1:15; Lev. 25:8-17

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File Size: | 8976 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Seek First
Pastor Michael Hoffman E-mail Michael Oregon Church of God Oregon, Illinois
In today's text, we are reminded to "seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness." But are we really pursuing God first and foremost in our lives? Are we really seeking Him and His kingdom? Is that our goal? It should be. Let's start today.
Matt. 6:25-34; Mark 4; Deut. 4:29; Isa. 55:6; Jer. 29:13; Psa. 139:1-3; Luke 13:18-21; Prov. 3:9,10; 2 Cor. 8,9; Rom. 8:15
Pastor Michael Hoffman E-mail Michael Oregon Church of God Oregon, Illinois
In today's text, we are reminded to "seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness." But are we really pursuing God first and foremost in our lives? Are we really seeking Him and His kingdom? Is that our goal? It should be. Let's start today.
Matt. 6:25-34; Mark 4; Deut. 4:29; Isa. 55:6; Jer. 29:13; Psa. 139:1-3; Luke 13:18-21; Prov. 3:9,10; 2 Cor. 8,9; Rom. 8:15

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File Size: | 10806 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |