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( If you're looking for additional descriptions of the messages, please use the "monthly page" links under the "Messages" tab. )
JULY 2011
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You Can't Compare Today with Tomorrow God's Perfect Tomorrow What Must I Do to be Saved? Seek First It Happened One Day Back Home Moving On Because of what you Said If You Love Me... Bread Your Message and Your Actions From the Cradle to the Cross to the Kingdom I Will Never Leave You Night and Day Outcast Something New The Rich Man and Lazarus Triumphant Together Our Citizenship The Cost of Freedom May the Parish Never Perish Triumph |
Rex Cain Scott Ross Gordon Landry Michael Hoffman Steve Taylor Andy Cisneros John Wincapaw Rachel Cain Dan Cain Lacey Dunn Joe Martin Hope Fletcher Kyle Casey Julie Driskill Michael Cisler Terry Ferrell Joe Martin Michael Cisler Michael Hoffman John Railton Steve An |
JUNE 2011
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Is This the Kingdom? Six Signs that make us want Jesus to Come Now Get Going! - The Parable of the Talents Take Courage The Perfect High Priest Truth, Tribulation, and Love Growing in Christ Life is a Struggle Can We Handle the Truth? The Plan of Wholeness Give us the Bread we need Today Betting on Hope A Father's Love Deception Prevention Get God's Love! - The Parable of the Good Samaritan Mystery Revealed Knowing and Calling on God "Parousia" - Our Lord's Arrival Lessons from Dad Unless the Lord Builds the House... Children - A Heritage from the Lord Better Odds Who's Your Father? Gifts for Dads Get Found! - The Parable of the Lost Sheep The Son of Man Is there a Reward for those who do Right? Children of God Knowing God More Let Him In Restoration 40 Days with Immortality Peace Like a River Now that you have been Baptized Get It! - The Parable of the Soils Samplings from a Spiritual Buffet A Burdensome Stone Eternal Values Newborn Babes in Christ Knowing God What Now? God is not slow about His Promises A Part of the Family of God How can we Enter the Kingdom of God? Our Heritage and Our Future If God Be For Us |
Michael Hoffman Russ Magaw Wally Winner Jeff Fletcher Terry Ferrell JJ Fletcher Dale Swartz Chuck Jones Dennis Baldwin Michael Cisler Alan Cain Seth Ross Bruce Reye Steve Taylor Wally Winner Dale Swartz Chuck Jones Terry Ferrell Dan Cain Alan Cain Rex Cain Seth Ross Tony Dart John Railton Wally Winner Terry Ferrell Hollis Partlowe Dale Swartz Chuck Jones James Ritch Michael Cisler Alan Cain Bruce Reye Kenneth Milne Wally Winner Bob Jones Gordon Landry Terry Ferrell Dale Swartz Chuck Jones Jeff Fletcher Alan Cain Dale Swartz Dave Hixon E. Richard Smith Terry Ferrell |
MAY 2011
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The Greatness, the God, the Guilt of America We Remember, We Hope, We Wait Keeping His Name Hallowed Israel in these Times Israel and Her Future Choose Can Israel Survive? Read the Signs The Discipline of God Our Resurrection Hope Lord and Savior Four to Go One Son and no Other Jesus in the City When We Meet Him in the Air Man's Foretold Predicament Patience The Race and the Goal When and Where? Obedient to the Father Not Far from the Kingdom His Lavish Love A Mother's Love Seeing is Believing Paradise Lost, Paradise Gained Things that there is no law Against Rockin' the World with the Restoration Revolution The Better Thing Provided by God If Jesus Were Dead Accepting Jesus The Parable of the Vineyard Your Kingdom Come Profile of a Faithful Mom Why it Matters 7 Debts we owe our Parents What is Baptism? Moms: Examples of Ministry What Happens when we Die? - Program 63 Faith Conquering through God Times of Restitution |
Wally Winner Michael Hoffman Alan Cain C.E. Randall Kenneth Milne Wally Winner Gordon Landry Michael Hoffman Terry Ferrell Hollis Partlowe Dale Swartz Chuck Jones Michael Hoffman Wally Winner Alan Cain John Railton Dave Hixon Terry Ferrell Hollis Partlowe Dale Swartz Chuck Jones Alan Cain Wally Winner Michael Hoffman Kenneth Milne Mark DeYoung Steve Taylor Terry Ferrell Hollis Partlowe Dale Swartz Chuck Jones Alan Cain Michael Brown Steve Taylor Wally Winner Mark DeYoung Michael Hoffman Anthony Buzzard Terry Ferrell Hollis Partlowe |
APRIL 2011
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Sharing the Gospel The Wedding Invitation Wide-Eyed Heartburn Apocalypse Now? Worst to First The Long-Range View Jericho and Rahab Risen from the Dead Jesus, Our Champion From King to Crucified The Resurrection Changes Everything That Great Resurrection Hope! The Message of Palm Sunday Triumph Through Suffering What was left in the Tomb Christ our Passover Easter Verbs Because He Died Our Passover Lamb He Was Forsaken Gethsemane: A Reading of the Wills Truth Matters: The Truth about Heaven Our Passover Lamb The Whole City Asked, "Who is This?" Behold the Lamb of God Resurrection Go Forward in Faith The Keys to Death and the Grave Thy Kingdom Come From Prophecy to Prayer Dare to be a Daniel Truth Matters: The Kingdom Lifestyle |
Michael Cisler Mark DeYoung Michael Hoffman Steve Taylor Wally Winner Hollis Partlowe Terry Ferrell Dale Swartz Chuck Jones Bruce Reye Alan Cain Z.B. Duncan Mark DeYoung Steve Taylor Wally Winner Paul Rankin Hollis Partlowe Terry Ferrell Dale Swartz Chuck Jones Michael Hoffman Sean Finnegan with Steve Tayor Mike Montgomery John Railton Mark DeYoung Steve Taylor Terry Ferrell Hollis Partlowe Dale Swartz Chuck Jones Mike Montgomery Sean Finnegan with Dan Fitzsimmons |
MARCH 2011
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Passionate Pursuit of Purpose Believing our Beliefs Who is Jesus Christ? Wisdom and Wonder of the Word What Happens when we Die? - Program 62 Two Pairs of Overcomers The Bible's Most Misunderstood Text A Child of God Fear and Dread Strength from Above What kind of People Ought we to Be? God's Amazing Masterpiece The Great Return Watch Out! Passionate Pursuit Mountain-Moving Faith: The Sermon on the Mount What Happens when we Die? - Program 61 Sarah: Faith's Conclusion The Increase of Knowledge Handling the Word of Truth Avoiding Fellowship Put to the Test Truth Matters: The Kingdom of God as Gospel Implicit Assumptions Decisions that cannot be Delayed Mt. Sinai: Forfeiting Blessings Serve Faithfully Abraham: Faith's Obedience The Hour is Coming Distorting the Gospel The Importance of Prophecy Truth Matters: Objections to the Kingdom I Know how the Story Ends Never-ending Spring Two Minutes to Midnight Conquering Strongholds Mountain-Moving Faith: Mt. Horeb Turn, Turn, Turn Noah: A Preacher of Righteousness The Answer to our Agnostic World Death - Then What? Selfishness The Son of God Learning Powerful Prayer: Meanings and Motives How Deep are your Roots? Truth Matters: What is the Kingdom of God? Our Reward Burning our Bitterness Rock Reminders Mountain-Moving Faith: Mt. Carmel Genesis and the Apocalypse Enoch walked with God |
Steve Taylor Wally Winner Mark DeYoung Michael Hoffman Anthony Buzzard Terry Ferrell Hollis Partlowe Dale Swartz Chuck Jones William Wachtel Mike Montgomery Alva Huffer Tom New Larry Mayberry Steve Taylor Wally Winner Anthony Buzzard Terry Ferrell Hollis Partlowe Dale Swartz Chuck Jones William Wachtel Sean Finnegan with Anthony Buzzard Bruce Reye Steve Taylor Wally Winner Mark DeYoung Terry Ferrell Dale Swartz Chuck Jones William Wachtel Sean Finnegan with Dustin Smith Jeff Fletcher Michael Hoffman V.E. Kirkpatrick Steve Taylor Wally Winner Mike Montgomery Terry Ferrell Hollis Partlowe Dale Swartz Chuck Jones William Wachtel Alan Cain Jeff Fletcher Sean Finnegan with Victor Gluckin Dale Swartz Mark DeYoung Steve Taylor Wally Winner Hollis Partlowe Terry Ferrell |
Free Sermon Message mp3s
Turf Wars The Covenant with David Truth Matters: Why Truth Matters Everlasting Life in Christ God Sees Your Hidden Potential Mountain-Moving Faith: Mt. Hebron Wet-Foot Commitment It Wasn't Just Graffiti A More Excellent Sacrifice What Good is Jesus Without his Gospel? Are the Wages of Sin a Death Sentence or a Life Sentence? Trivializing the Gospel The Faith of Abraham The Ark of the Covenant The Real Lord's Prayer Welcome Home What's Your Script? The Most Important Thing for you Today Is Peace on Earth Possible? Walk the Plank Claming the Territory Defining Victory: The Finish Line The Meaning of Faith Who is Jesus in Hebrews 1 ? Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow Because Jesus Loved Us The Greatest of These is Love |
Chuck Jones William Wachtel Sean Finnegan with Richard Wilkinson Jeff Fletcher Mark DeYoung Wally Winner Steve Taylor Michael Hoffman Terry Ferrell Anthony Buzzard Hollis Partlowe Chuck Jones William Wachtel Ed Goit Alan Cain Jeff Fletcher Sean Finnegan Joe Martin Michael Hoffman Jake Ballard Steve Taylor Wally Winner Terry Ferrell Anthony Buzzard Hollis Partlowe John Lewis James Ritch |
Free Sermon Message mp3s
Laborers Together with God Love - The Cushion of Life God's Big Plan Looking for Jesus Shifting the Load Committing to a New Year A New Age Working while Watching What's in it for me Now? The Increase of Knowledge God's Love Knows No Barriers What Happens When We Die? - Program 60 The Many and the Few Use it our Lose It The Two Purposes of Christ's Coming Not Far from the Kingdom How Great is our God He Came! The Magi's Message Why Christ Came and is Coming Again Good Things Come in Small Packages The Gifts we find in the Star The Triumph of Joy Why Jesus was Born What Happens When We Die? - Program 59 Mary, the Mother of Jesus The Star of the East God's Only Begotten Son Isaiah 9:6: "Prince of Peace" A Kingdom State of Mind Jesus Brings Peace to our Wayward Souls Peace on Earth The Shepherd's Story The Other Miracle Birth What Happens When We Die? - Program 58 First-Century Christians: Hope - Theirs and Ours In the Fullness of Time A Picture of Perfection Isaiah 9:6: "Everlasting Father" Who do you say that I Am? That Ancient Birth in Bethlehem Life Lessons from Picked Parents The Gentile Women in the Lineage of Jesus Opening the Gift of Faith Strong in Faith Running with Excellence The Glory Cloud Pre-Existence or Pre-Imminence? God Has Promised Welcoming Home the Lost What is the Kingdom of God? Faith and the Abrahamic Covenant What Happens When We Die? - Program 57 From Among his People isaiah 9:6: "Mighty God" John the Baptist Being Different Gifts for Jesus Growing Seeds and Killing Weeds Faith for Living in the World Today Opening the Gift of Hope December Dangers Word War Beyond the Veil: The Mercy Seat |
Jack Hearp Jack Hearp Michael Cisler Jeff Fletcher Jack Hearp Dave Hixon Michael Hoffman Jack Hearp Tony Dart Hollis Partlowe Jack Hearp Anthony Buzzard Terry Ferrell Jack Hearp Dale Swartz Chuck Jones Jack Hearp E. Richard Smith Michael Hoffman Stephen Bolhous Bruce Reye Rex Cain Alan Cain Steve Taylor Anthony Buzzard Terry Ferrell Hollis Partlowe Dale Swartz Chuck Jones Dave Hixon Alan Cain Paul Rankin Michael Hoffman Wally Winner Anthony Buzzard Terry Ferrell Hollis Partlowe Dale Swartz Chuck Jones Scott Ross Hollis Partlowe Michael Hoffman Mark DeYoung John Railton James Ritch Steve Taylor Wally Winner William Wachtel Ray Corbaley Jeff Fletcher Kenneth Milne Terry Ferrell Anthony Buzzard Dale Swartz Chuck Jones Alan Cain Michael Cisler Joe James James Ritch Bruce Reye John Railton Michael Hoffman Steve Taylor Wally Winner |